Manchester Global Challenge
The Manchester Global Challenge is suspended in 2018/19 but students who have started the challenge in 2017/18 will still be able to complete it
The Manchester Global Challenge aims to enable you to communicate effectively across cultures thereby preparing you to compete in an increasingly diverse and international job market.
‘Globalization’, ‘global citizenship’, ‘thinking globally, acting locally’, ‘skills for a global world’, ‘global communication’: These are terms and phrases you are very likely to be familiar with. They reflect a world that is more interconnected than at any other time in history and a growing understanding of the value of thinking, communicating and acting in ways which recognise those interconnections.
Understanding these global dimensions requires:
- A mind-set that is able to engage with and unite different values systems wherever you encounter them (e.g. at the University; in a work context; in different parts of the globe);
- An ability to communicate interculturally (communication that may happen right on your doorstep as well as much further afield);
- A capacity to see how your actions and those of others can have global implications;
- An ability to communicate effectively with people from other cultural contexts in digital space.
The Manchester Global Challenge aims to help you to develop and evidence these skills.
Global Challenge requirements
To achieve the Manchester Global Challenge you will have to complete:
1. A 10 credit 'global' University College unit (two to choose from):
- Global Citizenship and Sustainability UCIL22501
- Humanitarian Challenges in an Unequal World UCIL21902
2. A period of approved international/intercultural experience. Approved opportunities include:
- University supported study abroad programmes (e.g. International Exchange Programmes, Summer Schools and Study China);
- University supported work abroad opportunities (e.g. Industrial or Professional Experience placements as part of your degree, or the Teaching English in China Summer Programme);
- International volunteering;
- A small number of local opportunities in Manchester.
3. A digital presentation in which, drawing on your experiences from 1 and 2 above, you will reflect on:
- The skills for global citizenship you feel you have acquired;
- How you have put these to good use;
- How you feel they will be useful in your future life, whether personally, professionally or for the good of society.
The elements that comprise the Global Challenge can be completed at any time during your undergraduate studies at the University of Manchester. There are various submission dates throughout each academic year.
How to apply for the Global Challenge
To get started you need to:
- Choose which UCIL unit, linked to a Global Challenge, you would like to enrol onto (please see the list above). Please check that you are eligible for the Course Unit before registering for the Global Challenge. (Your Undergraduate Office/Academic Advisor should be able to assist you with this if you are unsure).
You are able to enrol onto the course unit via the Course Unit Selection Service however should you require any additional assistance with this please email
- Let us know you are interested in taking the Global Challenge by completing this online form: Registration
- Register with Blackboard Communities Manchester Global Challenge. This will give you access to further information and materials relating to the Global Challenge, and is where you will submit your digital presentation.
1. Click here and ensure you can access the course list in Blackboard.
2. Now click here to access the Global Challenge Community.
3. You'll be taken to the opening page for the Community. Click 'enrol' in the top left of the page.
4. Click either of the 'Submit' buttons on the right hand side.
5. Click 'Ok' on the right hand side.
6. You should now have full access to the Manchester Global Challenge Community.